Back-End System Integration

For business systems, a mobile app is typically only one of the many interfaces to your clients. There might be a web interface, but for sure there are your internal services running on a server or in the cloud.

Whatever you have, we will integrate it, and we will do it in a smart way.

An app has unique requirements: data needs to be optimized and ready for offline use. This brings new issues, however we will address them and solve them. Like this:

Diagram showing a Dynamics CRM backend connecting via a REST .Net service to an iOS or Android app with offline capabilities. Diagram showing a Dynamics CRM backend connecting via a REST .Net service to an iOS or Android app with offline capabilities.

Security and Encryption

We have extensive and demonstrated experience with security and encryption, particularly AES-256 & RSA end-to-end encryption. We've had decades of practice complying with Australian Federal Government ICT security requirements and also adhering to the extremely high European/EU standards of user privacy and data protection.

Data security and encryption

Our projects demonstrating strong backend integration