Last updated: July 2020


The World War II Quiz app does not require or request any personal information, and Aurita (the developer and publisher) does not store any data generated by the app. From the perspective of your privacy, we feel the use of advertising within the app is clearly the most noteworthy part - with basic analytics a distant second. Please refer to the applicable platform below for the most accurate information.


WWII Quiz in the Play Store uses Google's AdMob for advertising. Please refer to Google's privacy policy for more information.


From the perspective of your privacy, we feel our use of Microsoft's Visual Studio App Center service for both analytics and crash reporting is the most noteworthy part of World War II Quiz in the App Store. We use this service to monitor and improve the quality of our software. Again, we do not send any personally identifiable information. Please refer to the Microsoft Privacy Statement for more details on what Microsoft may collect as a result of us using their services.


World War II Quiz in the Windows Store uses only the Internet (Client) capability from the list of possible app permissions. This is primarily to support Microsoft's advertising solution. Unless extra questions have been acquired via in-app-purchase, the app will attempt to display ads from Microsoft or AdDuplex. Learn more about Microsoft’s privacy practices and your choices. Since Microsoft does provide quite a bit of control around advertising, we recommend taking advantage of those controls if you have privacy concerns in this area. In cases where an ad request can't be filled by Microsoft's advertising solution, AdDuplex may be used as a fall-back. AdDuplex displays ads for other apps from the Windows Store in exchange for advertising this publisher's apps. Refer to the AdDuplex website for details of their privacy policy.

Like with all Windows Store apps, Microsoft aggregates basic usage details of the app and makes non-identifiable analytics available to the publisher. In addition to the default analytics, we may collect customised statistics via one of Microsoft's analytics services for quality purposes such as the chosen difficulty level, number of questions requested or the number of games played etc.

The desired number of questions and chosen question categories are stored in application settings which utilises the roaming settings capability provided by the Windows Store and the Windows Operating System. Neither us nor the app manages the transfer of this data to other Windows devices you may own.


If you have any further queries in regards to the privacy policy or our commitment to your privacy, please feel free to send us an email to Some additional privacy information can be found on our broader Aurita Privacy Policy, including links to specific privacy policies of other apps we've published.